Saturday, June 14, 2014

Penn State 2014! Blog 5

Hi everyone!

Another week has flown by! This week was packed with many fun activities, ranging from assisting in a catering event for Elite Center Gymnastics to going to a resume-building workshop. 

On Monday morning, we met with Jeff Heim, who is a senior instructor of Hospitality Management. We were very fortunate to spend time with Jeff, who is an expert in resumes. He gave us some of the basic rules of thumb to always follow, and also worked with each of us individually on how to improve our own personal resumes. The workshop was very helpful and we all got a lot out of it.

We also got the opportunity to tour the food warehouse at Penn State. It was incredible to see the large space that Penn State uses to store both its perishable and nonperishable food items. We got to hear about the new expansion that will soon be taking place.
Photo from the Penn State warehouse! Bulk ordering!
In addition, we also talked to a few women from the purchasing department. It was incredible to hear about the level of detail that they must focus on for their job. They handle ordering nearly everything that is food-related for Penn State. Whether it is plastic forks or a specific kind of eggs, each purchase requires a significant amount of time and thought. It was good to hear that the purchasing team works hard to keep costs low to save the students money.

Caitlyn, Brittany, Josh and I all helped out at the Bryce Jordan Center for a catering event for the Elite Center Gymnastics. We showed up a bit early and helped set up the event; from laying the utensils out correctly to setting up the candy station, we kept busy right up until the event took place. We then helped clear plates, refill the line items, served ice cream, amongst many other duties. One of our favorite things about the evening was the uniform. We were all very excited about the black chef coats and the walkie talkies! Overall, we all had a great time at the event and are interested in working another catering before our internship is over.

The four of us before the event!
Walkie talkie action!
Brittany and Caitlyn with their candy table set up

Until next time!


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