Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Computrition: Day 4

This is definitely a first for me!!  I never thought I had it in me to sit at a computer for an entire day.  It was definitely a struggle.  As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, I began working on a computer based training program for Computrition at approximately 7:45am this morning.

 The first module made me chuckle as the first lesson was on 'how to use a computer mouse'.  I thought great, I can do this with my eyes closed.  Well I was in for a rude awakening as I got further into the training program I had a reality check.  Kelly, my supervisor for the day, warned me about what I would encounter with the program and she was right.  Kelly also advised me to take breaks or a stroll whenever I felt the need to.  By 8:40am I wanted to run!  Computrition was all that I expected and a whole lot more.  The information and details that I was exposed to in order to understand the program was simply amazing - and somewhat draining. I literally felt all my energy sucked from me as I sat at the computer screen.

 At SJU, we use the CBORD software for foodservice management.  As a nutrition major, I was always interested in developing the nutritional education aspect of our dining services and began conducting research on various programs.  My supervisor advised that a program like Computrition would require one person to monitor the program and I now understand why.  Computrition and similar programs monitor the inventory of every single item and the vendors they are purchased from.  Imagine having to take account of the baking powder used in bread, beef used for burritos and the amount of bananas that are wasted for every dining hall and retail store on a College Campus! Kelly and I talked about the advantages and disadvantages of working with Computrition versus CBORD.  Now that I am exposed to another food service management software, I have no favorite, but its more exciting and interesting to discuss these programs rather than searching for information on the programs on the internet.

 So besides learning how to use a mouse, I was totally excited about being exposed to menu production, nutrition analysis, forecasting and the financial aspects of maintaining a dining service.

 After work, I was so drained, I couldn’t wait to go running.  So I headed to the dining hall for dinner with plans to go running into town and buy myself a smoothie.  I never got the smoothie.  After eating dinner alone Saturday night, I vowed to myself that I would join any group of students/interns.  Tonight I met a group of interns who are working for the USDA and they had plans to go to the gym after dinner.  Mission accomplished.  I was so excited!  My plans for going into town were out the window and I headed to work-out at the gym instead.  Not a bad trade.  Surprisingly, I actually missed lifting weights. I’m sure Keith, my trainer from The Bahamas (McFit Gym) would be happy to know this.

 I even played – or attempted to play basketball and scored a point!  I believe I’ve scored about 6 points in my short lifetime so this is a big deal.

Today was a great learning day!!  I can’t wait to go to the Bakeshop and dining hall tomorrow to see Computrition in action.

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