My phone has been dying a slow death over the past few months, last night it just completely gave up. I tried to go to Walmart to replace it but that didn’t happen. I went to T-Mobile today instead. I also forgot to mention that I had dinner at Toy’s Thai Café last night (Friday). It was really good, but it was too much food so I finished the rest of it this morning for breakfast.
Normally, I would use my phone’s GPS to help me with directions but that wasn’t an option as my phone had died. I had to resort to writing the directions down from google. Riding there to T-Mobile was no problem. I got my phone and was actually headed to another store when the rain came pouring down. I didn’t think the rain was a big deal but I saw all the other bikers go for cover so I figured it may be smart idea to try and stay dry. I followed suit and then decided to look around the plaza for a raincoat.
I didn’t find the raincoat but I found a Mexican grocery store and restaurant (Taqueria on College and Prospect)! In the grocery store I found sweetened condensed milk and coconut water. A few of the items I need to make one of my favorite drinks from home. I then went into the restaurant and ordered a bean burrito. I’m pretty sure it was one of the best burritos I have ever had. The tortilla was actually fresh! The rain had eased up after I was done with my meal so I hopped back on my bike to return to CSU.
Somehow I ended up on a dead-end road. I figured that there was no need to write directions back because it would just be the same route but just going in the other direction. I guess not. I found a “seasoned” local riding his bike and I asked him for directions. He told me to follow a road but the direction he pointed me in was just a park and I really couldn’t see any road from there. I was doubtful of his directions but I followed anyway. Once again, I came to a dead-end. As soon as I was ready to turn around I noticed there were a lot of bikers on the side-walk. I got on the side walk and followed the bikers. Eventually I realized that I ended up on Spring Creek Trail!
I decided to take some photos but they were nowhere to be found on the phone. Apparently I was still struggling with learning how to take pictures with my new phone. Anyway, it started to rain again and I was sure I was now lost again for the third time. I stopped at bench and attempted to take a few more pictures. As I was standing there a guy in ROTC wear passed by and once again I asked for directions back to CSU. Ironically, he was a recent graduate and was headed in the same direction. I followed him and he showed me where I needed to turn off
I finally made it back on campus safely! I actually don't regret being lost, as I enjoyed riding on the trail and exploring new areas!
Later in the evening I played volleyball at the gym and then headed into town to see Slow Caves Punk Rock Band at Hodi’s Half Note. It was my first time at an event like this and I really enjoyed myself! I’m planning to make this a regular trip.

Happy Father's Day!
I went up to Horsetooth today with a few of the USDA interns. It was amazing and I was in awe at how wonderful the Earth is. Hopefully this is one part of the Earth that we can save from destruction.
Later that evening we hung out at City Park. This new phone actually takes decent pictures. I included a few - enjoy and have a great week!
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