It started out as a normal breakfast; oatmeal, morning snap-chats, a disgusting amount of coffee, then Taylor said "Lets go on adventure today!"
Before we knew it our swim suits were backed and our bikes loaded in the back of my truck. Our decided destination was a small place called Block Island, in Rhode Island. The town is known for being a small scenic get away, that has hidden beaches and hilly terrain. We hopped on the Block Island Ferry and before we knew it Taylor and I were standing with our biking in one of the most adorable places.
After a quick bite to eat we began roaming the Island till we found ourselves at the Mohegan Bluffs.

The view was the definition of breath taking. We stood at the top of the stairs for only a few moments before our excitement took over and we bounded down the steep stairway. When we arrived at the bottom, after a small amount of rock climbing, the soothing sounds of pebbles being pushed and pulled by the ocean gave a sudden calming effect. Taylor and I just kept repeating our amazement that a place so beautiful still existed in the States. The ocean was a clear blue, the land rustic and untouched, it could have been a beach in New Zealand. After several hours of walking the beach and playing in the ocean the setting sun and our hunger forced us back to the main land.
I know this will be one of the many days Taylor and I look back on grateful for our spontaneous adventure!
Making the most of our last two weeks!
Rachael Rounsley
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