Friday, June 13, 2014

Ram's Horn: Day 13

I definitely have to get a bike when I return to Saint Joseph, Minnesota.  As an international student without a car, any transportation other than my two legs would be a plus.

This morning as I got ready for work I noticed it was raining lightly, or as we would call it in the Bahamas, "sprying".  I thought this was nice as I figured it would help to keep me cool as I rode my bike to work.

Today was pretty much a secondary orientation for me.  We toured Ram's Horn and discussed my plans for the rest of the rotation.  After the tour, I hopped back on my bike and headed over to Palmer (Housing and Dining Admin Building) for the Student Manager's meeting.  We all introduced ourselves by stating our name, unit and favourite river.  As everyone listed off their favourite river, I thought about the fact that I haven’t even seen a river until coming to Colorado, however, in The Bahamas we do have blueholes which I really love.  I have not visited a bluehole in about two years.  I will definitely see a few at the end of this summer when I go home and visit Eleuthera, Bahamas.  We continued our meeting by discussing plans for orientation for the incoming student employees for the fall semester.  This was a really useful and productive discussion for me as my team at SJU is currently working on our program as well.

I headed back over to Ram's Horn and it was still "sprying".  Just last weekend, or maybe my first weekend - I don't remember- I was advised that if you don't like the weather in Colorado, just wait five minutes, it will change and that is so true.  We had a brief meeting with the staff as they went over policies and introduced me to the team.    By the time the meeting had ended, the sun was out again and I was happy to drive home in the sunshine, kid me not - the weather went back and forth between sunny and gloomy at least two more times after that.  I was briefly introduced to a conference program and product movement issue concerning retail and cashiering by Jo.

I had plans to visit a music show in Old Town but I ended up staying at the gym way longer than I expected and missed the show.  I still felt the need to get off campus so I got on my bike and headed to Pizza Casbah for dinner (no I didn’t eat pizza right after the gym).

 I’m going to spend the rest of my evening catching up on Dave Carnegie’s book.

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