Every week at UCONN we have the privilege of slipping into new positions and trying on new hats, this week we were bakers and gardeners!

We started off our morning in the bakery with Eric Merkle and his skilled team! As we walked through the doors bright and early, the smell of fresh baked bread and sweet muffins tickled our noses! Two wonderful men named Jason and Tom showed us the enormous rotating ovens and racks of sweet goodies the would be emerging from them. The bakery supplies fresh muffins, cookies, brownies, bread, scones, danishes, and so many more tempting treats to the dinning halls and satellite stores across campus. Since the University is so large, to supply the entire campus, some mornings the bakery opens at 4 a.m. and sends as many as three waves of supplies. To make things more impressive they handle all the desserts and breads for catering events and make in house speciality/ decorative cakes. For Taylor and I's themed meal, they were kind enough to take time out of their hectic schedule to help us with a "Running of the Bulls" themed cake. Their skilled cake decorator Megan made six bulls for our cake, then taught us how to make the running spaniards. Taylor and I might have gotten carried away and made a few funny men including a; cowardly man, a dead man, a man being run over, and one man standing in victory!

The other day we traveled to Spring Valley Manor, the school's student run farm, to be organic farmers! Immediately after we arrived, we were greeted by the most kind and down to earth people! It was apparent how passionate and knowledgable everyone was. Their farm was equipped with a multiple outdoor gardens, a hoop house, and a green house! For the day's work we planted two types of tomatoes, cucumbers, and harvested mint, basil, and chives. After harvesting the Herbs we prepared them for the student run farmers market that happens every thursday. The local farm supplies food year round to the on campus restaurant Chuck and Aguies, as well as one of the dinning halls named Whitney. Not only the university, but the students take pride in growing. preparing, and consuming organic locally grown foods!
Both days were exciting and new experiences!
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