Today, I got to shadow OU's sports dietitian. I never knew how much work and the long hours that sports dietitians go through! I got a whole new perspective on becoming a sports dietitian. I gained insight on some of the job responsibilities Tiffany Byrd has. My day started with her at 4:30 am making Pb&J's for the football players. All day, I worked with the other interns in running the fuel station for the players. By getting waters, making smoothies, restocking the fridge and shelves, making sure the players take their vitamins, etc. I also got to follow Tiffany around and see how she interacts with the athletes and coaches. She really connects with all of them and knows them personally. I think she really benefits the athletics department and does amazing work at her job. She really cares about the athletes and puts in long hours and hard work to prove it. She meets with the strength and conditioning coaches everyday to ensure all the athletes are not cramping up and are receiving the nutrients they need. She also really bonds with the athletes by sitting with them when they eat and makes them feel comfortable, she isn't just their coach. I was exhausted after the long 15 hour work day but I can see myself becoming a sports dietitian. I was inspired by Tiffany and how much she loves her job. I am very into sports, athletics and health and would love to combine my passion for nutrition and sports into becoming a sports dietitian possibly. Even though this job has a lot of responsibilities, I am really interested in it.
Today Grace and I spent half of the day over at Wagner Dining in Headington Hall. Heading Hall is a dormitory for freshman where a majority of them are athletes. Wagner dining has only been open for a year. Curtis is the manager of Wagner and discusses what is to be served in the dining facility with the Athletic Department and the Director of Sports Dietitian, Tiffany Byrd. They have developed a lot of healthier options for the students and ways in which it makes it easier for the students to make healthier choices. Tiffany developed the idea of green, yellow, and red to label each food item in Wagner. Green means eat as much as you want, yellow means limit your intake, and red means try to avoid. Curtis is also gathering the nutrition information for Wagner's cycle menu to display to the students. From a nutrition standpoint, I love this dining facility and what they are doing with it! They only serve fried foods twice a week, supply fresh fruit, serve a different type of salad a day, have frozen yogurt and freshly made smoothies. It is nice to see that school dining facilities are starting to become more health conscious rather than only serving comfort foods. The other half of the day we met with our internship coordinator, Dot Flowers, who helped Grace and I with some of our remaining questions on finishing our projects. Today we handed in our Recipe Development Project, Management Review project, Manager Scavenger Hunt Project and our Sanitation, Safety and Quality Inspection of Couch Restaurant project. :) Now all we have left to turn in is our Business Plan and our evaluations.
Today I spent over with Windeon at the Union Market. He told me a little about what it was like opening a new restaurant. Windeon has a lot of creative ideas for the Union Market! He discussed some of the challenges he faces as the manager of the Union Market. For example, he would like the Union Market to be bigger and to take away some of the seating area, but from a student perspective, I think the seating area is needed due to limited seating already in the Union. Also, the kitchen is small so he is still figuring out production of the hot bar and how he is going to produce certain recipes and how many employees he should have to run the operation. Currently, he has hired 5 full time employees. Windeon also showed me the menu for the hot bar and the grilled cheeses, we even got to sample some of the grilled cheeses :) I wish I would be here when they open and try it out because everything on the menu sounds delicious and I believe they are going to be a huge success!! The grilled cheeses that we sampled today were nutella, brie and apple which people really enjoyed, the other grilled cheese was blue cheese, bacon and apple. The second grilled cheese was a 50/50 because people who like blue cheese loved it but people who don't like blue cheese didn't care for the sandwich. Blue cheese has a distinct taste so it is a either you love the taste or hate it kind of thing. During my time at the Union Market with Windeon, I also got to experience a preliminary health inspection because the health inspector visited and I was able to follow her around and see what she looks for. The Union Market did well and she only took notes on things that are in the process of being fixed, so that was good news for Windeon!
Thursday & Friday
We worked at Starbucks in the Union. on these two days. It was so much fun and I am now even considering just working one or two days at the Starbucks at my school because I enjoyed it so much. All the employees were very helpful and nice to us. We were able to learn how Chris manages Starbucks with their policies while creating his own to create effective production. We even got to taste test coffee and see what they pair well with. I'm not a big coffee person but I discovered a few coffees I enjoyed. I now understand why people order scones or something of that sort and eat it with their coffee, it totally changes the taste! Chris even threw Grace and I in to making drinks and so we had the opportunity to learn how to be a barista! It was so much fun and made time fly by. On Thursday evening we helped out at Couch with Camp Crimson. It was taste of couch night where camp crimson tries all the restaurants in Couch. Grace and I worked Chic-fil-A and of course it was super busy!! Later that night we went and helped Starbucks with retro night and passed out A LOT of tea to camp crimson. It felt like a rave. On Friday, we went out with Starbucks after work to the library and tried their delicious pizza and pot roast nachos. We had a blast during our time at Starbucks:)
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