Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 44: Corbett

I started off the morning making "Pigs In a Blanket" with Lauren the dietetic intern.  I was with her most of the day and we discussed many issues we encounter as nutrition/dietetic students.  From books and articles that provide health information with scientific information to issues within the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics which makes the process to register as a dietitian impossible for about half of the students in the program.

 After Lauren and I were done with the "Pigs in a Blanket" we began cooking pasta.  Lauren and I were just about done with the pasta when we noticed a change in the pace of our fellow employees.  Everyone was scrambling and we assumed it was a little busy.  The dining hall had received much more people than the projected count and it seemed like everyone came at the same time.  We pretty much got caught off guard.

 Later in the afternoon I headed over to Durrell to assist Christian and a few student managers with preparing a training video for the incoming employees for the fall semester.  I was given the task of explaining how to properly wash your hands.  The first segment included me participating in activities that would require employees to wash their hands such as touching my hair and eating chocolate chip cookies!  After that I was taped showing the new employees how to properly wash hands (for the full 20 seconds).  We also covered putting on gloves with cuts on your hand.  This required us to use a finger-tip band aid and a finger glove.

After this exercise, I met with Hal to discuss my progress on one of the special events that I have been working on.  In about a week and a half I will be presenting to the managers here at CSU about the special events that I have been assigned.  As I had mentioned earlier one of these special events celebrate Caribbean culture and cuisine.  However, this particular assignment that I was working on with Hal was not as familiar for me.  The theme was "Harvest".  When I saw the theme, I had no idea where to even start.  I began the first steps, I created a timeline for the event for the staff of Durrell (the dining hall at which it would be hosted).  Additionally, some of the funds from this event will be donated to a local charity, so I researched information on various local charities as well.  However, after that I was stumped.  I had no idea what kind of food or atmosphere was needed for a "Harvest" themed meal.  After the meeting with Ben a few weeks back, I finally got the ball rolling.  Hal and the other staff at Durell also had other great ideas which I compiled. 

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